[loop] Loop meetings in 2025

Dear Loopers,

I hope everyone has made it safely through the holidays and the transition
from 2024 to 2025. Everyone still here? Although I assume I am not the only
one with very low expectations for this "new year", I have been reliably
informed that it is mathematically interesting, so we should all try to make
the best of it.

In 2025 we will continue our Loop meetings every third Wednesday of the month
at 19:00 in Clubraum, so please mark your calendars now:
*15 January
*19 February
*19 March
*16 April
*21 May
*18 June
*16 July

What topics are we interested in exploring this year? First of all, servus.at
has some new features to share. One of them is a Discourse forum for members
of servus to exchange with one another, which we would like to show you
(@Michal, @Davide, are we ready to share?). I have set up a section there to
mirror this mailing list, so everything posted to this list will also show up
in the Discourse forum. It would be good to discuss how we want to use this
and also which other categories might be interesting.

On Mastodon I have been following announcements about Faircamp. @Simon, would
you be willing to make Faircamp a topic for a Loop meeting?

What other projects have people been working on? Which books have you been
reading, which podcasts have you been listening to? Please let us all hear
from you.

All best wishes for this perfectly square new year,

Hey Aileen and loopers,

I can happily share some development insights around Faircamp (and possibly related projects) at one of the meetings this year, sure thing!

I also have an idea for the first meeting on 15 january:
I won't be able to join in person unfortunately, but that same evening we will be staging an inaugural Permacomputing meeting at GT_ in Vienna [1]. In the time-honored tradition of conference-to-conference video calls we could do a meeting-to-meeting video call between Vienna and Linz and talk a bit about permacomputing (or anything at all) if you folks are motivated! :slight_smile:


[1] gtblank.org - gtblank.org – Everyone who happens to be stuck in vienna on the evening of the first loop meeting is of course warmly invited to join!

Hi dears!
thanks Aileen for the first email of the year :slight_smile:

I am currently on parental leave from servus things so I will probably decide spontaneously whether to join or not.

a general thought on the list:
why not trying this year with list members "curate/organize" at least one part of the meeting in a more intentional way?
like someone from the list could say "in the *monthX* meeting I'll organize a starting input for the meeting & organize [eg] a workshop on static web generators, please bring your laptop".
or "let's read together this book and discuss it in 45 minutes".
or "I have a workshop on our limesurvey tool, if you want to learn how to use it, here we go"
or "liberate yourself from adobe: a crash course on amazing terminal tools like ffmpeg or pdftk"

this does not have to be for free either. if the person organizing the input needs a fee, we can talk about that.

++ FIY future servus plans that can/might/will overlap with Loop:
* In April there will be a residency with Ioana Vreme Moser & Diane Pricop on fluid computing – https://www.ioanavrememoser.com/form-for-fluid-computer & Form for Fluid Computer | obsolete.studio so the April loop could be dedicated to Ioana & Diane presenting their work.
* & in may there might be at servus an association working on technologies supporting people with disabilities as well as wider strategies for inclusion in communities and groups.
-> more on this probably in april.

cheers & now i'll go back to AFK :slight_smile:

ps cool that in vienna there is a permacomputing session!

Hello everyone!

It seems like loop meetings kicks off really motivated this year :slight_smile: Aileen thank you very much for initiating it! Unfortunately on 15th of January I will work + have a meeting, so it is impossible for me to attend the loop or the permacomputing meetup.... However if someone would take notes, it will be nice to share them here for the ones who are not able to attend.

Going back to the loop meetings 2025, I like Davide's idea with more "curated" meetings. I think I can take over the next meeting in February or March. During holidays I came across this article: Institute of Network Cultures | The Slow Cancellation of Online Libraries I had an account in aaaargh.fail and I was surprised when the website was not reachable (well little did I know...) I think the [cancellation of] online libraries is a really interesting topic for many reasons, also there is an ongoing motivation for servus to create its own library and maybe it is a nice topic for the upcoming D*sign week. If you agree, I can prepare something for the next meeting and of course if someone wants to contribute as well, is more than welcome!

*ps1 I hope your holiday went as planned and you enjoyed it !

*ps2 the 2nd part of the article Institute of Network Cultures | The Slow Cancellation of Online Libraries (part 2)



Thanks Aimilia, Davide and Simon for your responses!

I agree that having more "curated" meetings with a specific topic prepared by
members of the community sounds like a very good idea. So Aimilia, you will
prepare the meeting on 19 February?

Simon, will you send us a link to join the permacomputing discussion next
week, or should we open a BBB channel on our side?

Michal and I met yesterday to talk about the new Discourse forum, which we
would like to present at the Loop meeting next Wednesday, before we join the
permacomputing discussion at 19:00. At this point we need a few more eyes
looking at it and a few more brains thinking about it, so that we can make
sure this forum really is usable and not just a Shiny New Thing that people
look at once or twice and then forget about.

https://clusters.servus.at is currently open by invitation only. If anyone
would like an invitation now to get started, please contact Michal
(michal@servus.at) or me (a.derieg@eliot.at), and we will send you an

Hope to see you all next week,

Happy to be using servus BBB for the call next week Aileen, thanks for the offer!

Curated meeting approach sounds like a great plan, likewise the very timely online libraries topic suggestion Aimilia!

See you in hybrid/cyber space next week! :slight_smile:

Hi Simon,

We can use this link for the conversation this evening:

Looking forward to the conversation,

Dear everyone,

I am just here to drop a line to invite you to a performance that could maybe catch your interest:

Pedro Del Real

Ludd Lives! - A Popular Trial On Technology“

Join the popular trial on technology, presented in a three-part lecture-performance, to learn more about Luddites, DIY esotericism, critical digitalia, and communal forms of rage. To complete the shift from a sheer consumer to an active participant, try out the role of the prosecutor or the defendant or subject your own tech toys to the court’s judgment. Safety goggles are advised.

Raumschiff, Pfarrplatz 18

Would be nice to see some of you again. It’s been a while!

All the best from the other side of the river,

