[loop] Touch Designer Meetup Linz

Hey dears, happy new year :partying_face: ….
We would like to invite you to this meet-up we are organizing for a round table where we discuss and share ideas and thoughts about touchdesigner to initiate a regular meeting for the community here in Linz…
feel free to share and join… looking forward to discuss creative ideas and build a touchdesigner community in Linz :slight_smile:

Place: Graben 3, gassenlokal. Willy*Fred
Hour: 7pm 13/01/2025

video by: Christine Haupt

I hope you can join

(Anhang WhatsApp Video 2025-01-09 at 2.49.26 PM.mp4 fehlt)

is the touchdesigner, floss?
can you provide a link to the software. thank you.
