Login as Servus member

As a Servus member, can I login with my existing account credentials? I noticed in the login box, there is an option for Servus OpenID login, how does it work?

Yes, if you have existing Servus login credentials for Servus GitLab or Servus Cloud, you can use it for login to Clusters. It is also called Single Sign-On (SSO) allowing to login once and go to various services without needing to login again. You can use it also the same way on Servus Social.

How to do it:

For Clusters account registration you need an invite link and on this link you register creating your Clusters profile. After you successfully registered, you can use SSO. If you do not have invite link, you can ask for one at office@servus.at email. Make sure you register on Clusters with the same email address you have in the system you willl be using for SSO.

Click to login with Servus OpenID. On the next Servus Auth page, choose the system you want to use for login, clicking on Servus GitLab or Servus Cloud buttons. Login to the chosen service as usual and you will be redirected back to Clusters, logged in with your accounts linked. First time you will be asked to setup 2 factor authentication (second auth method for more security) which you can skip.

If you are already logged in the external SSO system, you will be logged to Clusters right away without giving credentials again.

(edited / reshuffled)
For Clusters account registration you need an invite link and on this link you register your Clusters profile.

After you successfully registered, you can use SSO. Make sure you register on Clusters with the same email address you have in the system you willl be using for SSO.

after setting up SSO, if you have existing Servus login credentials for Servus GitLab or Servus Cloud, you can use it for login to Clusters. It is also called Single Sign-On (SSO) allowing to login once and go to various services without needing to login again. You can use it also the same way on Servus Social, which you have to set up as well.

Click to login with Servus OpenID. On the next Servus Auth page, choose the system you want to use for login, clicking on Servus GitLab or Servus Cloud. Login to the service as usual and you will be redirected back to Clusters, logged in with your accounts linked. First time you will be asked to setup 2 factor authentication (second auth method for more security) which you can skip.

If you are already logged in the external Open ID system, you will be logged to Clusters right away without giving credentials again.

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Well, nice. But what if I already registered with different email than what I use on other Servus sites?

You can change your email in Clusters in your Profile → Preferences → Account.

You will also find your Associated Account here (your linked SSO account], which you can delete and start again.